我们的世界依赖于情结, behind-the-scenes process of delivering goods to customers across global networks. 如果解决问题和解开错综复杂的系统让你兴奋, embrace the journey of becoming a supply chain management professional. This degree is 设计ed to equip you with a comprehensive skill set in 供应链管理. This program lays a solid foundation in vital business concepts including management, 市场营销, 经济学, 会计, 和金融. You will learn how to integrate Supply Chain theories into real-world settings with the skills you will use your first day on the job. Students learn how to communicate professionally and develop the in-demand skills needed by 供应链管理 professionals today.







Our business programs develop decision-making skills through a blend of traditional coursework and team casework in time-bound situations that require data analysis, 研究, 和沟通. 帮助您在高要求和高回报的商业生涯中茁壮成长, we implement a biblical understanding of work as a calling from our Creator. You will cultivate the skills and character that will enable you to spread the Kingdom through your God-given gifts and business acumen. 学习如何为他人的利益解决现实世界的问题.



The courses listed below are some of our featured core classes that will be a part of your educational journey here at MU. 看一下每门课程的预览.

The course covers the role of operations management including strategic analysis, 设计, 控制, 和规划. Students will develop an understanding and vision for managing materials and logistics planning that is sustainable and consistent with biblical stewardship.

Provides techniques for 预测 – the act of matching supply to demand – and explores the building blocks of logistics networks.

Explores key concepts of sourcing and introduces Lean Inventory and Six Sigma methodology, providing students the skills they need to improve supply chain operations.

Students work in groups to solve both simulated and real supply chain problems, culminating in a presentation of student-created supply chain solutions to industry experts.


Here you will find everything you need to know about what is required to successfully complete your degree. Whether you are beginning college for the first time or are a transfer student, 我们会帮你的.



教员头像Heather Lohmolder
Heather Lohmolder, m.m.B.A.
Director and Chair, Business Administration Program; 工商管理助理教授
维克多·雷诺兹博士.D. (c)



维克多·雷诺兹博士D(c), is an associate professor of Business Administration at 坚实可靠的大学. 在他的课堂上, 比如人力资源管理, Victor teaches his students that business can be an act of worship and service to God.


供应管理 & 物流 program offers the unique opportunity to combine the Multnomah experience with an enhanced program that features faculty who are practitioners and industry leaders. This program is a traditional undergraduate 四年 program with a small percentage of classes delivered online from top academic minds and industry leaders. The general education courses and the business core classes will be delivered on campus as a part of the residential, 本科商科课程.

9 credits will be delivered online through the Lower Cost Models for Independent Colleges Consortium (LCMC). 3 credits of 供应链管理 electives will be taught in-person at 坚实可靠的大学.


根据 劳工统计局, a Logistician the median annual wage for logisticians was $74,750 in May 2019. The employment of logisticians is projected to grow 5 percent from 2018 to 2028. 就业增长将受到推动, 在某种程度上, by the need for logistics in the transportation of goods in a global economy.


实习为你提供了建立人脉的机会, 了解更多欧宝娱乐官网特定行业和组织的信息, 在你的工作经验中成长. If you are a student interested in gaining valuable work experience, apply for the internship course.

